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Benefit from the fastest growing free dictionary on the Web, try the Lingro webmaster and contributor tools!
lingro webmaster tools
Lingro is continuously developing tools to help webmasters and language sites access our dictionary database. Click on examples below to see how to easily add the same functionality to your pages, or visit our sample language learning site which demonstrates some of the ways Lingro translations can help your users interact with your website.
tiny dictionary
Let your users translate words and phrases without leaving your website.
integrated tooltips
Click on any word in this box for a definition.
Or try these words for a translation into Spanish.
Specify any part of your page to show clickable translations.
• Select areas of your site to make clickable.
• Choose languages for translations or definitions.
• Benefit from the best free dictionary on the Web.
Full-sized Lingro badge.
Small Lingro badge.
Help your visitors read your page in the Lingro web viewer.
lingro collaborative tools
Allow your users to add translations to Lingro dictionaries directly from your site.
tiny dictionary
You can benefit from our entire database of over 3 million translations by including the lingro tiny dictionary on your website or blog. The tiny dictionary provides the same capabilities as our search-as-you-type dictionary, including the ability to immediately see relevant translations, easily switch between languages, and hear word pronunciations.

The tiny dictionary can be placed anywhere on your page to easily allow your visitors to type in words they want to look up. The small size of the dictionary box makes it a good addition to any site's sidebar; however, your visitors can also enlarge and move the tiny dictionary around your page to see more translation text, and place the dictionary box where it's most convenient for them.

Since the tiny dictionary is directly accessing the ever-growing free dictionary database that lingro is creating, you can be sure that the translations you see are always up-to-date with the most comprehensive free dictionary project on the Web.

Add it to your page

This is what the tiny dictionary looks like (try resizing the window and moving it around):

Extra settings
To use the tiny dictionary on your page, the only thing you have to do is copy & paste the single line of Javascript above. However, there are two convenient settings to let you specify the dictionary and word that your users will see when they open your page. To use those options, specify the values for lingro_tiny_dictionary and lingro_tiny_word before including the tiny dictionary script, for example:

integrated tooltips
Would you like to give your users even quicker access to Lingro translations? Integrated tooltips let you add Lingro to your site, allowing users to click on words in areas of your page you define. Integrated tooltips are a great option if your site has a lot of interactive multilingual content.

The integrated tooltips API allows you to choose the elements on your page which can be clicked on for a translation.

Try it out
Click on a word in the box:

This is some text in English. Aqui hay algunas palabras en español. Und hier gibt es ein Paar Wörter auf Deutsch. Clicking on any of the above words should will up a translation from the appropriate language.

Add it to your page
1. Copy the following code to your page between the <head> </head> tags. (If you don't have access to the <head> section of your page, that's ok - just make sure to put this line before the code in step 2.)

2. Add the class="lingro_container" attribute to parts of the page in which you want words to be clickable. For example the elements:

will become:

That's all! Your users will now be able to click on words in the areas you specify to see translations and definitions.

Extra settings
You can also explicitly set the language or dictionary of each of the text elements which you're making clickable. To do this, you can set the language or dictionary attributes on clickable elements. For example, to specify that a particular sentence is in Spanish, your HTML would look like:

To explicitly specify the language to which text will be translated, you can set the dictionary attribute. For example, to make all words use the Spanish to German dictionary, your HTML would look like:

If you want to enable the translation of several elements on the page, you can set a default language or dictionary for the entire page rather than specifying it for each element. To do this, you can set the lingro_language or lingro_dictionary Javascript variables before including the Lingro integrated tooltips file:

For now the following languages are supported: 'eng' (English), 'spa' (Spanish), 'fre' (French), 'ger' (German), 'ita' (Italian), 'pol' (Polish) and 'swe' (Swedish).

If you're having any problems with the integrated tooltips API, please do not hesitate to contact us. We also greatly appreciate suggestions for improving the integrated tooltips API.
lingro badge
Want to increase the international audience on your blog or website? By adding the Lingro Badge you can give your readers quick access to your site through the Lingro Web Viewer, allowing them instant access to words on your page they are unfamiliar with. You'll also be supporting open-content dictionaries!

Here's how it works: after placing the code for the Lingro Badge on your site, visitors to your pages will be able to select their native language from a list in the badge, and open your page in the lingro web viewer.

Put a badge on your page
To make a lingro badge for your page, select the langage your page is in from the list below, and then copy the HTML code onto your page. Below is a preview of what the badge will look like.

Your page language:

Full-sized badge
Badge HTML code:


Small badge
Badge HTML code:

Are you passionate about open content? Want to show your support for free, community-created resources while helping to build the world's largest collection of free multilingual dictionaries? By adding the Lingro Contributor to your blog or website, you will allow your readers to contribute translations for words missing from Lingro's dictionaries while still viewing your page.

The Contributor automatically detects which languages a viewer knows (using their web browser language preferences) and prompts them to enter translations from a language they know to their native language. After being checked for accuracy, these translations are added to Lingro's dictionaries and made available under the Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution/GNU FDL dual-license so that anyone can use them for any purpose free of charge!

Ready to help out?
Here's the code you can cut and paste to your site to give your readers access to the Lingro Contributor. You can change the value of refresh_timeout to a different number to change the number of seconds between new words being displayed.

Here's what your readers will see: